Dylan Kurtz

More Than Physio > Dylan Kurtz

Dylan Kurtz

Dylan hails from Far North Queensland and earned his degree from James Cook University in Cairns in 2015. He began his career in rural Victoria and South Australia before making Melbourne his home after falling for a local. Transitioning from a nomadic lifestyle, Dylan is now happily settled in his Melbourne lifestyle with his growing family.

Dylan’s special interest and additional training in managing temporomandibular disorder (TMD) as well as sleep dentistry was the reason for his joining the Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre team where he works collaboratively with our TMJ Therapists, our Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist and our GP specialising in Muscle Relaxant Injection Therapy (MRIT).

Dylan is known for his relaxed demeanor and unwavering commitment to achieving optimal patient outcomes making him popular with his patients.

Beyond dentistry, Dylan is an avid outdoorsman with a passion for gardening and sports. Engage him in conversation about the Australian Cricket team or the enduring rivalry between the Maroons and the Blues at your own risk!