Become Our Next Superstar Full-Time Physiotherapist & Propel Your Private Practice Career To New Heights
- We understand that your training does not necessarily prepare you to be confident in private practice – But we’ve got you covered with our one-on-one weekly mentoring , our many other regular learning and training sessions, PLUS our own very extensive online learning portal
- We know that managing a varied caseload can initially be daunting – But with our ongoing training in adopting a structured and logical approach to MSK treatments, you will be kicking goals very quickly and earning legend status with your happy and grateful patients.
- We know you want to work in a great team with an awesome culture where you feel you belong and are appreciated, and we are confident that you will love being part of ours.
Would you like to work with a team of quality people that are genuinely interested in adding value to your career?
- We are a highly regarded Physiotherapy & Multidisciplinary practice in Melbourne
- We have a special interest clinic within our practice – Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre™ drawing referrals from across VIC
- We provide excellent work conditions in a modern friendly environment and have a great Team Culture
- We learn by networking with some of the top allied health professionals in Melbourne and beyond.